Wow what an emotional day for all
It was a crazy ride to say the least, mother nature, you've rained 2 out of our 3 years now. If your pattern is on track then no rain next year
We're all in this together and open public conversation regarding mental health, suicide and bullying of any type is key. Thank you everyone for your support and helping to spread the word Pssst...bullying is out! Pass it on
For those of you that could not make it, here are the highlights
The ride started at Trev Deeley Motorcycles They have been very generous to us from the start and came on board as a sponsor in our 2nd year, part of the family they are, smooch
(Photo by David Falkins)
(Photo by David Falkins)
(Photo by David Falkins)
(Photo by David Falkins)
Once we left Trev's it was onto our second location Ruby Creek Art Gallery in Agassiz. We were honored guests of the Skawahlook First Nation and they've come onboard as a sponsor, hugs
We rocked out to tunes from Lost and Loaded
Salmon BBQ, nom, nom
Our silent auction tables were full to the brim with very generous donations, thank you tons all donors
Gerald Charlie need I say more...hell yes, fabs
Carol Todd, you have turned an absolute tragedy into meaning for us all. We adore you and your positive words. I'm certain Amanda is your biggest fan
The Git Hayetsk Dancers brought life to a native drum that Amanda made
The cheeky one that steals purses and cameras