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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Me! A Walking Billboard

I've had a life long distaste toward wearing anything with the name on the outside.  I've refused forever!

Funny how all of a sudden I realize I'M A WALKING BILLBOARD, this is awesome

All the charity clothing I buy from the BCSPCA and various dog rescues do not need to be relegated as cleaning and reno clothing

I'm going to glam up and wear clothing for charities that mean something to me

1st off... we got volunteer T-shirts for our Bikes Against Bullies 2015 event.  If you missed it you can check it out here

People are always wondering how I have such a big bun.  I have a sock in my hair, yes I do.  You put your hair in a ponytail, pull the sock down to your head and just wrap and pin your hair all around it. Easy peasy

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